Sunday 18 March 2012

Seeking Love

I am open and honest about anything in life. If there is a quote that would sum me up in the way i think it would be this,by Anais Nin also said in the movie Kissing Jessica Stein ;) "We don't see things as they are, We see them as we are" I don't think i could put it any better then that. I believe that a person must have faith in themselves in order to succeed in life. Things happen because you make them happen. It isn't fate that something happens its the path you chose to get there and make it happen. I am not here to feed anyone a line or lure you into talking to me. I will just be me. I am easy going and really want to make a positive effect in the lives of others and in my life as well.I try to live a pretty healthy lifestyle and i run about 5 days a week if i can. I love being outside and just experiencing all that i can. I love to cook and as dorky as this is Yes I do watch the Food network what can i say. I am a movie watcher and am a dork like that. I am big on communication and honesty. I will not settle for anything less then what i want and nobody else should either. If someone takes the time to really get to know me then awesome if not nothing gained nothing lost. I am a soccer lover and I do watch sports in general. I am a sporty type of girl and i won't try to be anything other then who i am. Its as easy as take it or leave it. If you want to know anything else don't hesitate to ask. If that still hasn't made you run for the hills please don't hesitate to contact me. email me on

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